It allowed for protest, and movements, and the dissemination of new ideas that would repeatedly, decade after decade, change the world& a constant forward movement that continues to this day. 它允许发起抗议和运动,允许传播新思想,一代又一代地改变着世界,形成了一股永不休止的潮流,一直延续到今天。
But, for now, there's little sign of forward movement in efforts to further liberalize global trade. 但就目前看来,还没有迹象表明各方为进一步促进全球贸易自由化付出了更多努力。
This forward movement represented only the normal response of the market to higher earnings in industry. 这种增长态势还代表了市场对工业较高利润的正常反应。
This will inhibit the forward movement and almost guarantee that the trim will never fall off again. 这样就可以防止门把手向前移动,从而保证罩壳再也不会脱落了。
Riders seat allows collection, balance, steering, forward movement and control of the horse to take place, as well as providing the rider with stability and balance when on board. 骑士的坐姿既可以实现收缩,平衡,转向,向前运动和对马的控制,又可以提供给骑士在马上的稳定和平衡。
Therefore, it is unnecessary to clear scum, as long as it does not affect the forward movement of waves. 只要它不影响波浪的推动,每天清理一次就可以了。
Maintain some weight toward the ball of your front foot and use your front thigh to pull your thighbone upward out of your front knee, allowing your front shin some slight forward movement. 保持一定的重量在你的前脚球,用你的前大腿拉股骨向上离开前面的膝关节,让你的前侧胫骨轻微的向前运动一些。
The forward movement of people in a car when it stops suddenly is due to inertia. 前进的车辆突然停止时人们的身体会往前倾,这是由于惯性的作用。
Of the transmission gear causing forward movement in a motor vehicle. 指机动车辆的变速齿轮,使之向前运动。
Butterfly forward movement is caused by arm pull and hip movement upwards. 蝶向前是靠拉臂上提臀促成。
Characteristics of the national technological view during the "the great leap forward movement" “大跃进”时期国家技术观特点分析
In this case, five days before engaging in battle, dispatch distant patrols to observe their activities and analyze their forward movement in order to prepare an ambush and await them. 象这种情况,在战前五天就应向远方派遣斥候,窥探敌人的动静,观察敌军前来的征候,预设伏兵等待他。
Once the players are ready for the service, the first forward movement of the server's racket head shall be the start of the service. 一旦球员准备好发球,发球方球拍拍头的首次向前移动即为发球开始。
Count this step "S." It will be noticed that the lady's forward movement will make you turn. 这一步计数为「慢」,应注意女士的前进动作将使你转。
Technological revolution during the Great Leap Forward Movement T jump forward to a new technological era 大跃进运动中的技术革命评析该国向新技术时代的大飞跃
On the Social Circumstance of the Appearance of the Proneness to Boasting and Exaggeration in the Period of the Great Leap Forward Movement 论大跃进时期浮夸风产生的社会环境
Settlement and forward movement the soils above tunnel because of the large buried depth. 由于该工程隧道埋深大,隧道中心上方土体主要发生沉降和向前的位移趋势。
Protruding from the bottom of her robe, the broken chains symbolize her free forward movement, enlightening the world with her torch free from oppression and servitude. 这条被打碎的铰链从她的长袍的底部突出,象征着她从此可以自由酣畅地进步,用她的火炬照亮世界,消灭黑暗的压制和奴役!
You'll feel how the recovery disrupts your forward movement. 你会觉得你恢复干扰向前移动。
The forward movement of the tail is in a way of propagation and closely linked with divergence and convergence of near surface flow. 尾部的向前移动方式是传播性的,且与近地层气流的辐散辐合紧密联系。
The Influence of the Backward Forward Movement of Pantograph on Bow-net Contact Pressure 反向串联,串接反向受电弓正反向运行对弓网接触压力的影响
Baicao capsule significantly promoted the forward movement of small intestine. 百草胶囊明显促进便秘小鼠的小肠推进运动,增加小鼠所排粪便的粒数和重量,并缩短小鼠首便时间。
During this period, many economic theory workers thoroughly delved into various theories in view of the problems that popped up during the great leap forward movement. 这一阶段,许多经济理论工作者针对大跃进中暴露出来的问题,深入地探讨了相关的各种理论问题。
At last, from the angle of human language, the dissertation based on the theory of language typology explores if the structural changes affect the typological classification of the Chinese language, and explains the changes of this structure through the process of its forward movement. 最后作者从人类语言的大背景出发,根据语言类型学理论,观察了这一结构的变化会不会对汉语的类型归属产生影响,并对前移过程中该结构自身的一些变化作出了解释。
The great leap forward movement in modern China science and technology to technological development suffered a serious setback. 科技大跃进运动使中国现代科技发展的遭受了一次严重的挫折。
Under the influences of available sources of information are, political events, the development of Western social sciences and other factors, the main research "model" of western scholars 'research of the Great Leap Forward movement has gone through four stages in the evolution. 受到可获得的资料的来源、当时的政治事件、西方社会科学的发展等因素的影响,西方学者的大跃进运动研究的主要研究模型(model)先后经历了四个发展阶段的演变。
Finally, this paper summarizes the achievement of great leap forward of jiangxi province and ponder the great leap forward movement, in order to obtain realistic significance. 最后本文总结了江西大跃进时期取得的一部分成就并对大跃进运动进行反思,以期取得现实意义。
In the study of the Great Leap Forward movement, western scholars use a variety of research methods, including Kremlinology, new institutionalism, model study, quantitative research methods and social history and so on. 西方学者在大跃进运动研究中采用的研究方法较为新颖,主要研究方法有克里姆林宫学、新制度主义、模型研究法、定量研究法和社会史研究法等。
On the other hand, the Great Leap Forward folk Song Movement intensified the boasting wind which at that time generally existed and exaggerated voluntarism; it played the role which to add fuel to the flames of the Great Leap Forward Movement. 一方面,大跃进运动催生了大跃进民歌运动;另一方面,大跃进民歌运动加剧了当时普遍存在的浮夸风和唯意志论,对大跃进运动起了推波助澜的作用。
This campaign is literature and art leap forward in the Great Leap Forward movement; it was the product of the political, economic and cultural situation. 这场运动是大跃进运动中的文艺跃进,它的产生是当时政治、经济、文化形势的产物。